Hey hey, I'd like to start with a big thank you to Stuart Mackay for lending me his notes from the evening as I unfortunately had to miss an hour due to other commitments. I'd also like to thank those who left their models on display long enough for me to get photos for this blog post. There were some fantastic models on display, especially for the bring and show including a superbly detailed MSA from John Morrison and more great weathering from Kieran Wright. The photos below will do these models more justice than I can though.
John Morrison's superbly detailed brass, styrene and cast MSA class garratt under construction minus it's leading and trailing bogies. |
John Morrison's superbly detailed brass, styrene and cast MSA class garratt under construction minus its leading and trailing bogies. |
John Morrison's superbly detailed brass, styrene and cast MSA class garratt under construction minus its leading and trailing bogies. |
Neil Blinco's train of LA ballast hoppers from GA Models along with a Marbellup Models ZBA. |
John Morrison has also been working on his LA hopper train with this addition of a scratch-built LX ballast plough. |
John Morrison has also modified a DB van and a couple of RailWest powder vans with brass roofs utilising his metal bending machine. |
Neils Kroyer has assembled these two FD vans and the KA wagon from RailWest Models kits. |
Stuart Mackay has completed his MRWA LC van along with two GA Models RA wagons (one 5 plank and one 4 plank), both with fox bogies. |
Kieran Wright has not been quiet in his absence. He has completed (and weathered) these wagons from RailWest Models, GA Models and X class Models. |
Kieran Wright has not been quiet in his absence. He has completed (and weathered) these wagons from RailWest Models, GA Models and X class Models. |
The theme of the evening was bulk loads that flowed when exposed to gravity and how you achieved them i.e. coal, wheat, ore, etc. This excluded taped wagons and loads like pipes, timber and tractors. Thanks goes to Murray Hartzer for suggesting the topic.
Kieran Wright also displayed several various wagons containing Ballast and Coal. |
Murray Hartzer and Ron Fryer displayed several coal wagons each with different techniques used to achieve the desired effect. |
Graham Watson displayed a couple of coal wagons and his photogenic GH with wheat load. |
Stuart Mackay displayed a large variety of loaded wagons from Coal, Ore and Wheat to Bauxite and Ballast. |
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