Hey hey, 2018 has now come and gone and personally I think it has flown by rather fast. But we couldn't farewell the year without the traditional christmas meeting. Stuart Mackay rightly pointed out that January 2019 will also be the 30th anniversary meeting of the S scale SIG at AMRA WA having formed in 1990 so plenty to celebrate. This meeting ran a little more different than usual; the format being General Announcements, Bring and Show, Slide Presentation followed by a demonstration from the bring and show as well as the Christmas Cheer. Special thanks should go to Neil Blinco for his delicious shortbread as well as Trevor Bourke for organising the rest of the evening. The bring and show was particularly interesting as you will see from the photos below.
Part of the interest was from Richard Stallard's "early Christmas present" in the form of a ProtoThrottle which he demonstrated for us on Swan View using the NCE DCC track. This is a prototypical DCC controller that allows one to control locomotives in a more realistic manner i.e. with braking functions and notches in the throttle much like the prototype. Much fun was had "having a go" with the ProtoThrottle as can be seen in the video below. All in all, another fantastic meeting and I look forward to reporting more in the following year ahead.
Have a Happy and Safe Holidays and for those travelling over the break, please travel safe and its always better to arrive late than to never arrive at all... Or as my old boss used to say; "be good or good at it!" Take care.
Doug Firth talking about the 3D printed AI coaches he is assembling. |
John Morrison updated us on his work with his brass LA hoppers displaying several in the works and one almost complete. |
John Morrison updated us on his work with his brass LA hoppers displaying several in the works and one almost complete. |
Alison Kelly brought in her latest 1:64 acquisition being an agricultural tractor by Norscot which she acquired from eBay. |
Mitchell Henderson-Miller has been experimenting with cardboard containers in 1:64th scale using a balsa base to keep shape. |
Doug Firth displayed many things at the meeting, one being this EM scale point that he has made from scratch. Whilst it is the wrong gauge for our use, Doug points out the skills and principles are still the same for those who choose to scratch-build points in Sn3.5. |
Richard Stallard's ProtoThrottle displaying the many functions and realistic levers. |
Richard Stallard also brought along a completed model of his latest 3D printed work, the XBC bauxite wagon. |
Richard Stallard also brought along a completed model of his latest 3D printed work, the XBC bauxite wagon. |
Richard Stallard also brought along a completed model of his latest 3D printed work, the XBC bauxite wagon. |
Richard Stallard also brought along a completed model of his latest 3D printed work, the XB bauxite wagon. |
Stuart Mackay brought along a train to run on DC for the meeting to keep the members entertained whilst the Christmas Cheer was set up. |
Following on from last blog post, Doug Firth has completed his RailWest Models 1-piece GS wagon including decaling. |
Doug Firth has been very busy with his work on his early WAR era AI coaches as seen here on Swan View. |
More of Doug Firth's handiwork of the same era. |
Craig Belcher brought in a fantastic array of wagons he has assembled to varying degrees shown here being hauled around Swan View by Alison Kelly's DB1588. |
Craig Belcher's RailWest Models VWV. |
Craig Belcher's part brass, part 3D print, part styrene HVR Riverland car. |
Craig Belcher's part brass, part 3D print, part styrene HVR Riverland car. |
Craig Belcher's GA models tanker wagon painted in the distinctive green livery that was used by HVR. |