I wanted to do something simple and to cover all eras I model.
This kit is the MRWA WAGR WESTRAIL GE Wagon, however its the outside braced version. Only 30 wagons of this type were made, originally used by the MRWA, however some survived right through to the Westrail era.
I have done some experimentation with kit building and wanted to do a one piece mould.

I originally was going to scratch build five of these wagons, but only ended up doing one side, one end and one inside detail piece. This became the basis for the pattern.
I then poured the rubber over the pattern and left to dry over night. The result gave me a mould to use so every side was exactly the same. I then modified by NA Sleeper wagon underframe to become the underframe for the smaller GE wagon.
I then put the pieces together just like any other kit. This formed the basis for the one piece mould. My first attempt failed beacuse I forgot to put a release agent between the teo pieces so I had to cut the pattern out and try again.

The result is a one peice mould, of a wagon that represents three different eras. Naturally I have 10 MRWA 10 WAGR and 10 yellow westrail wagons for myself, and will do some for others if they wish.

HAPPY MODELLING............................
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