Hey hey, it's been a while since the last update and I'm sure you're all dying to know whats been happening with East Guildford. Now track has been completed in the loop to the fiddle yard and trains are running satisfactorily for now, detail has started to appear on the layout.
Neil Blinco has done a fantastic job of making trees as well as photo back scenes of local buildings in the East Guildford area to give the layout further depth and perspective. Doug Firth has beautifully recreated advertising posters from the era which have been placed on the fencing along the station platform. Yes, you can read them if you look closely, check them out! Trevor Bourke has continued the arduous task of remedial ballasting the curves and basic landscaping the curves for each end of the layout to blend the scene breaks together. Other small details have also appeared like telegraph poles and associated equipment.
As you can see from the attached photos below, much has been achieved with thanks to Doug Firth, Neil Blinco, Trevor Bourke, Bill Gray, Garry Pilmoor and Greg Aitken. Without this team of dedicated modelers, this layout wouldn't be the beautiful master piece it is today. However, much work is still to be achieved and it's still not too late to get involved if you so wish. In the workshop area, towards the Perth end of the layout you will find a whiteboard with a list of items yet to be completed. If you think you could do one of these small tasks, do not hesitate to put your hand up. It is envisaged that the layout will be displayed in full at the 2023 AMRA WA Model Railway Exhibition which is already shaping up to be a big comeback after the break from the pandemic. Hopefully we shall see you there or at our next open day before then.
(All images by the author unless captioned).
Neil Blinco's DM585 at the head of a suburban passenger train headed for Midland, rounds the curve into East Guildford. |
A view of the Perth end of the layout showing completed track around to Simon Mead's fiddle yard (Image courtesy of Neil Blinco). |
Neil Blinco's Gum trees made from Sedum Flowers and appropriately painted to suit. |
The timber yard has now been arranged to a more organised display and temporary photo backdrops have been applied to gauge the view they will provide. |
Doug Firth's amazing advertising posters. |
More of Doug Firth's advertising posters. |
Alison Kelly's A1511 crosses East Street with an empty wheat train for the eastern wheatbelt. |
Neil Blinco's V1213 heads a goods train into Perth from Midland and through East Guildford Station. |
An unidentified PM by Neil Blinco heads a goods train past the now permanent backdrop houses. |
Alison Kelly's DB1588 runs light engine to Midland through East Guildford, past Ray Cooper’s excellent sawmill. |
Alison Kelly's DB1588 runs an empty Superphosphate and fertiliser train through East Guildford, headed for the sidings along Ashfield straight for loading. |