Hey hey, I'd like to start by apologising for having nothing to report on the January running night as I arrived late from the Australia Day Fireworks and everyone else was about to leave. Needless to say I did get to test Neil's Team's handiwork on Swan View to find no faults at all.
To make up for that, I have taken extra photos for this month's S scale SIG meeting. As usual, the meeting was split into news, bring and show and the topic or theme of the evening. First lot of photos you will see here are from the various members under 'Bring and Show'. A very good display of modelling and many good shared hints and tips were collected over the evening.
3x RailWest Models G class Tenders in various stages of construction. |
The Underside of a completed Marbellup Models CXB wagon highlighting the metal W irons used instead of the 3D printed ones that come with the kit. |
6x Marbellup Models CXB sheep wagons complete with Decals and a clerestory roof Z van. |
RailWest Models G class Tender frame. |
RailWest Models G class Tender. |
RailWest Models G class Tender. |
Doug Firth's early era WAR or WAGR train in line with the era of Bill Grey's Model of the Early Perth Station. |
Doug Firth's early era WAR or WAGR train in line with the era of Bill Grey's Model of the Early Perth Station. |
Doug Firth's Z van complete with working tail lamp. |
In the ongoing saga of detailing of Doug Firth's MSA Garratt, here are photos of it now painted. |
In the ongoing saga of detailing of Doug Firth's MSA Garratt, here are photos of it now painted. |
In the ongoing saga of detailing of Doug Firth's MSA Garratt, here are photos of it now painted. |
The theme for the evening was 'Orange and Yellow', an annual event on the S scale SIG calendar to display what many term as 'Modern Era Modelling'. Whilst it has been previously discussed that yellow wagons did appear before Westrail was conceived in 1975, many of the models on display were of Westrail Vintage (I say vintage because even Westrail is over 40 years old now). Below is a fine selection of modelling for your enjoyment. I certainly get excited to see so much Westrail stuff!
An overall view of the models displayed. |
Kieren Wright's Collection of Westrail wagons, many scratch built and modified kits (excluding the two DCs and GM in the background which are mine). |
Kieren Wright's Collection of Westrail wagons, many scratch built and modified kits (excluding the two DCs and GM in the foreground which are mine). |
Kieren Wright's RCA complete with Tarp from aluminium foil. |
Kieren Wright's NS shunters float complete with all the spares and equipment used and a typically adorned shunt person. |
Kieren Wright's NS shunters float complete with all the spares and equipment used and a typically adorned shunt person. |
Built by Lynton England and owned by Kieren Wright is the ST shunting tractor of Westrail Vintage. |
Kieren Wright's Westrail Z van, complete with end of train disc. |
Another NS shunters float being built by Charlie De Bruin. |
Although not yellow, still of Westrail vintage is the completed EB class cool van. |
Graham Watson displayed an interesting technique that brought up this beautiful GH van complete with weathering. |
Another Dancing Charlie (DC) van. |
Charles De Bruin completed this ore hopper from one of the GA Models kits. |
Graham Watson's proven technique of "solid" BE wagons is applied here in the foreground on this yellow BE. |
Here is a fantastic lineup of yellow wagons completed by the sometimes quiet modeller, Garry Pilmoor. |
Garry Pilmoor's VF van. |
Garry Pilmoor's VX van. |
Garry Pilmoor's Z van. |
Garry Pilmoor's VWV van. |
Garry Pilmoor's WVX van. |
Garry Pilmoor's WBAX van. |
Here is Alison Kelly's A1511 with my two Marbellup Models DCs and a GM acquired through eBay. Kieren Wright's collection is in the background. |
Here is Alison Kelly's A1511 with my two Marbellup Models DCs and a GM acquired through eBay. Kieren Wright's collection is in the background. |
Alison Kelly's A1511 next to Graham Watson's GH. |
Alison Kelly's A1511 with some of the rolling stock on display. |
Alison Kelly's A1511 with some of the rolling stock on display. |
Alison Kelly's A1511 with some of the rolling stock on display. |
Kieren Wright's Shunting Tractor with a shunter's float. |
Alison Kelly's A1511 with Garry Pilmoor's Wagons. |
Another overall view of Kieren Wright's collection of wagons. |
Overall, another fantastic meeting and I look forward to the next one. Until then, watch this space...