Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Recent 3D Printed Models

For those not at recent S scale nights at AMRA, here are some photos of my latest 3D-printed models.

VD Bogie Louvred Van (painting not finished yet)
Interestingly, the original VD vans were built in Enghiem in Belgium, which is only about 60 km from the i.Materialise factory in Leuven where the 3D printed version was made.

SXT Bogie Sheep Wagon
WAGR Water Column (assembled and painted by Doug Firth)

Friday, February 7, 2014

3D Printers Available from Officeworks

Exciting News is that Officeworks are now selling 3D Printers, yes the revolution is coming, and first order of business is getting down to the East Vic Park or Joondalup stores which apparently are the only ones stocking them.

So $1500 bucks later I am the proud owner of his very first 3D printer I have wasted no time printing things off, some good results and some iffy results but very happy.

I first tried my GC wagon unmodified from what I sent to Shapeways and i.Materialise which while it printed very well it was full of very tough support material which I am struggling to get out of the center, I'm sure it will make a good gravel wagon.

Next to try was my drawing of the AI coach I have been working on a while.

Both in the Lime Green PLA and white ABS materials that this printer uses:

Quality is great for this little coach, which while it wont match the Prime gray from iMaterialise, the look and feel is superior to the WSF (SLS) from Shapeways.

Cost for this coach I estimate to print is about $3, which is pretty good seen as 3DSystems whom sell the printer use a razor blade system to sell these printers (like ink jet printers the cartridges are over priced and you have to use their printer cartridges) but I am working on a work around to maybe print with cheaper generic ABS plastic.

Overall looks like printing the coach sides and glueing the sides together works best for this method, the great thing is that "Plastruct Plastic Weld" is able to glue ABS and styrene together so works great with these parts making seemless welds.

This is probably a great option for making masters for coach sides for casting, but at this price for a small coach which when I finish with the drawing will be complete minus couplers W irons wheels and grab handles and a roof (printed roof doesnt look great, though going to try printing on its side) it could do it just about as cheap as a cast urethane kit... just kidding!