Sunday, January 12, 2025

Garratts and 2025

Hey hey, happy new year and welcome to 2025. This year is shaping up to be a big one and kicking off the first S scale meeting at AMRA WA is a round-up of Garratts. For those who are not attending, here is a sneak preview:

There’s also plenty more exciting stuff coming up in 2025 so stay tuned.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Modeling Mojo

Hey hey, recently I have been having some trouble trying to get inspiration for what I model or as I like to call “Modeling Mojo”. This can be particularly difficult for many of us who model things that no longer exist, especially if it’s related to the steam era. If you have ever felt a bit burned out and just “not in the mood” then chances are you’ve experienced this loss of Mojo. Ill health, travel and life in general are all contributing factors to this phenomenon but don’t worry, it’s a common thing and more often than not it will return, just be patient. Cliché I know but it’s true, everyone comes back eventually. There’s a reason why you liked it in the first place right?

There are many ways to help relieve this feeling of almost boredom, some involving just walking away for a while and doing something else (preferably before you throw that latest project at the wall). One of my go-to ideas is to do some digging, no not the kind that involves a shovel. I’m talking about researching your chosen prototype which can be as simple as going online and looking at old photos. There are some great resources out there and they are continually being updated so it’s worth spending a day or so doing some digging because you might come across something new to you. Other ways I get inspired is chasing trains (the real thing). This might be a bit unique to my circumstances as I model more modern locomotives and rollingstock (when I say modern, I’m talking 80’s-90’s era) and many of these trains still exist today either in preservation or with smaller rail companies. However preservation groups such as RHWA and Hotham Valley are still great sources to get your steam fix for those modeling earlier eras.

I highly recommend if you’re struggling with that Mojo, it will do wonders to the senses if you visit your local preservation organisation. I know my recent experience with Hotham Valley did for me. What’s your Mojo fix?

F40 with Hotham Valley meets my F44 model in S scale.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Progress on the Westrail Loco fleet

Hey hey, just a quick update on the Westrail loco fleet. I have employed Dave Luketic to use his magic and paint my D, DA and AB locos and so far they look magnificent. I won’t bore you with much else here and you can be the judge yourself from these photos below. For a quick reminder, these are Marbellup Models 3D prints I assembled but still require a few finishing touches such as handrails, lights and decals. The chassis still require painting but if the bodies are anything to go by, they should turn out great.




Sunday, June 16, 2024

2024 Model Railway Exhibition

Hey hey, just a quick reminder that the 2024 Model Railway exhibition is coming up on the 22-23 of June 2024 with S scale represented by Stuart Mackay’s Denmark layout and modeling displays plus information desks supporting the layout. Hope to see you there.

Exhibition Flyer with S scale locomotives built by Ben Rudd
Exhibition Flyer featuring S scale locomotives built by Ben Rudd.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

GA Models LA Ballast Hopper

Hey hey, since my last post I have continued to remain busy making models each Thursday at AMRA WA with other members of the S scale group, my latest project being a GA Models LA Ballast Hopper. I must say this has turned out to be one of the better kits I have assembled and I’m rather pleased with the end result. 

The kit as it is sold. One must still supply vacuum pipes, wheels, W irons and couplers.

The kit needed very little cleaning of parts and glued together with Zap CA glue with ease. To understand the wagon’s design better, I happened to come across a preserved LA wagon in Mingenew when up that way visiting family. The photos were useful in especially working out the vacuum through pipes.

LA wagon plinthed at Mingenew Station.

This was a preserved wagon but far from the right colour for an LA in later years of service which is what I chose to model. Luckily a few images of the LA in Westrail service appear on the Rail Heritage WA website which I found to be great reference photos. Using this photo and some very rudimentary measurements from the wagon, I sent off to Custom Hobby Decals in QLD to get the decals made. At under $70 for a set of 5, I’d recommend them again. This is the same company that made the decals used on my DB and F class locos. 

LA23811 image courtesy of Rail Heritage WA.

This image lead me discover one big part missing from my nearly completed model… hungry boards. So I turned to the one place I know I can get great advice; the Thursday modeler’s group. With a bit of experimenting with styrene, and a lot of encouragement, I created some hungry boards which turned out rather well. 

The kit assembled as per the instructions.

LA kit painted in Tamiya TS1 Red Brown with added hungry boards.

Whilst I waited for the decals to arrive, I trialed some colour on the LA model. When I sprayed the first coat of Tamiya TS1 Red Brown, I took some time to look at the wagon compared to prototype photos and found that I was not happy with the shade of Brown. That’s when I returned to my Thursday modelers brains trust and discovered Dulux red oxide primer which is much closer to the WAGR/Westrail colour. 

Comparing the Humbrol H70 (GE wagon) with Dulux Red Oxide Primer.

Once the decals arrived and I was happy with the colour, I sprayed a layer of gloss clear coat to give a smooth surface for the decals to adhere to. Once dry, the decals were soaked in water with a few drops of Micro Sol solution and applied to the model. These decals are really easy to work with and the size was spot on. 

The finished and decaled model. 

The last steps to go is to dull coat over the top and weather but I think that’s for another blog post. Now to start the next 4x LA wagons.

Sunday, January 28, 2024


2018 saw Bencubbin as the S scale layout exhibited at the AMRA model train show

The layout presented by S scale modeler Greg A with assistance form the S scale group was well received by the viewing public  

Check it out at this link below

Bencubbin - Model of a WAGR Wheatbelt Station at 2018 AMRA Model Railway Show (

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Westrail Models F class

Hey hey, long time, no post. I have been busy over the last few months after leaving the AMRA WA Committee. I managed to acquire two F class locos from Westrail Models and whilst a little work was required to get them to run smoothly, they are great locomotives. I did manage to break the window on F40 (as preserved) so that is not in the limelight at the moment till that is fixed. But just before Christmas, I finally received the cab for my second F; F44 in green. I’m very happy with it and looks great hauling a train of yellow wagons around Swan View (see below). Anyway I hope you all have a safe and prosperous New Year in 2024 with lots of modeling.